Recital Information:
*Please note: If viewing from your phone, select "web" at the bottom of page for better viewing!
2025 Spring Recital Weekend:
Friday, June 6th - Sunday, June 8th
La Roche Academy of Dance presents our 2025 Spring Recital
A Night of Enchantment
with a feature presentation of:
Sleeping Beauty!
Spring Recital Show #1:
Saturday, June 7th - 4:00pm
Spring Recital Show #2:
Sunday, June 8th - 4:00pm
Tech Rehearsals:
Friday, June 6th - for Show #1
Saturday, June 7th - for Show #2
Location: Douglas County High School - North Building
*Dates & Venue subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances*
Class Casting for Dancers in Show #1 vs. Show #2:
*For Dancers in Class Levels 3-6, Adult Tap & Musical Theater, and the Performance Company:
These dancers will perform in BOTH SHOWS.
*Ballet 2/3, Lyrical 2/3, and Int. Acro 2/3 are part of the Level 3 & up classes, so they will be in both shows.*
*For Dancers in Class Levels 1-2 and Combos A/B/C:
Dancers in Class Levels 1-2 will be in Show #1
Dancers in Combos A/B/C will be in Show #2
Spring Recital 2025 Information:
*The additional information below will be updated soon!*
Detailed Recital Schedule:
Click below for the applicable Performance & Tech Rehearsal Schedules.
These schedules include the more detailed times for drop off/pickup/arrival/etc.
Spring Recital - Class Costumes:
*All weekly Dance and Acro classes will have a class dance and a costume except for the following classes:
Beginning Tumbling (Age 3-5 Class), Friday Training Class
Costume Amount: $80/class
Payments Due: March 10th, and will be posted with your normal March Tuition
All weekly dance classes have 1 costume payment per class*
For example, if your dancer is in Ballet/Jazz 1 and Hip Hop/Tap 1, that is a total of 2 classes,
with your costume payment totaling $160.
*Ballet 4, 5, & 6 Classes that meet 2x's per week only need 1 Ballet Class costume.
Costumes will arrive within the months of March and April.
Costumes will be tried on during classes upon arrival, before being sent home.
*Tights are included with the Spring Recital Costumes.
Applicable tights are included with the costume payment*
Beginning Tumbling (Age 3-5 Class), Friday Training Class
Costume Amount: $80/class
Payments Due: March 10th, and will be posted with your normal March Tuition
All weekly dance classes have 1 costume payment per class*
For example, if your dancer is in Ballet/Jazz 1 and Hip Hop/Tap 1, that is a total of 2 classes,
with your costume payment totaling $160.
*Ballet 4, 5, & 6 Classes that meet 2x's per week only need 1 Ballet Class costume.
Costumes will arrive within the months of March and April.
Costumes will be tried on during classes upon arrival, before being sent home.
*Tights are included with the Spring Recital Costumes.
Applicable tights are included with the costume payment*
Costume / Hair / Makeup Information:
Click below for the Costume/Hair/Makeup Document!
*This document will help your dancer prepare and pack for the theater, as well as for Class Picture Week!*
(Class Picture Week is for the June - Spring Recital Only)
(Performance Company Dancers - Please note that this document does NOT include all of the extra PCO costumes)
Recital Video:
($20/dancer for additional siblings)
This fee will be posted to each dancer's online account with December & June Tuition,
and is charged to ALL dancers in the recital. (December & June Tuition is pro-rated for 2 weeks.)
A link for the Recital Video will be sent out to all dancers in February once completed, to be downloaded from Google drive. You are welcome to pass the links on to friends and family as well, at no extra cost!
Recital Video:
($20/dancer for additional siblings)
This fee will be posted to each dancer's online account with December & June Tuition,
and is charged to ALL dancers in the recital. (December & June Tuition is pro-rated for 2 weeks.)
A link for the Recital Video will be sent out to all dancers in February once completed, to be downloaded from Google drive. You are welcome to pass the links on to friends and family as well, at no extra cost!
Information for Recital Volunteers:
Volunteers may use the promo code that will be emailed out to the volunteers, to purchase their Recital Ticket for themselves... as they will still need a ticket to have their seat held.
Recital Class Pictures (Spring Recital Only):
$15 per Dancer
This fee will be posted to each dancer's online account with June Tuition,
and is charged to ALL dancers in the recital. (June Tuition is pro-rated for 2 weeks.)
Class Pictures are the week of Tuesday, May 28th - Monday, June 3rd, 2024.
(Starting on Tuesday, right after Memorial Day Weekend)
Most classes will have their pictures during their regular class times.
*Some scheduling adjustments are needed for the photographer's schedule availability.*
(The Saturday Combo A/B: Hip Hop/Jazz class and the Saturday Beg/Int Acro-Tumbling class
will need to be rescheduled to a different weeknight.
Also Ballet 4, 5, & 6 meet 2x's per week, but will only have their pictures on 1 of those days.
Competition Company pictures will be during rehearsal that Friday.
Please see below for those scheduled times.)
Otherwise, your dancer's pictures will be during regular class time for the dates above!
*Exceptions to the Picture Schedule:
Combo A/B: Ballet/Tap (Saturday Class) - Pictures will be Wednesday 5/29 from 4:00-4:30pm.
Acro/Tumbling Beg/Int (Saturday Class) - Pictures will be Thursday 5/30 from 4:30-5:00pm.
(The photographer is unavailable Saturday, so dancers will have their regular class time Sat., and then come an extra day for pictures. Please let me know if this extra time won't work for you, and we can see if there's another option available.)
Ballet 4 - Regular Class Tuesday, Picture Day Wednesday 5/29
Ballet 5 - Picture Day Tuesday 5/28, Regular Class Monday 6/3
Ballet 6 - Picture Day Wednesday 5/29, Regular Class Monday 6/3
Competition Company Dancers - Competition Pictures on Friday 5/31 from 4:30-5:30pm
Important Notes / Frequently Asked Questions:
Update from DCSD as of 12/8/21:
There is no longer a mask mandate in place while inside DCHS. Dancers and audience members will Not be required to wear a mask.
*Anyone wishing to wear a mask is certainly welcome to.
*Venue Arrival:
Dancers and parents should enter through the main front entrance.
The Dressing Rooms are then to the left and down the hall.
Parents must Check-In and Check-Out their dancers with the respective volunteer, at drop off and pick up both days.
*Only Staff & Volunteers will be permitted in the venue during the Tech Rehearsal.
Please plan to drop off your dancer after checking them in.
*On the Performance Day, dancers should arrive with their hair and makeup complete, and wearing their first costume if possible.
*Tech Rehearsal Attire:
Dancers should arrive at the venue with their correct hairstyle complete, and wearing typical dance class attire. Dancers should Not wear costumes or costume accessories for the Tech Rehearsal.
Dancers are also encouraged to wear their studio T-Shirt to the Tech Rehearsal!
(Studio T-shirts are handed out at the end of April.)
Only the Performance Company Dancers (who typically rehearse on Saturdays) should wear their
costumes at the Tech Rehearsal.
Dancers should make sure to bring a water bottle and light snacks to the venue!
*No Nuts!
We have dancers with severe nut allergies. Please do not bring nuts or snacks that contain nuts
(such as peanut butter & jelly or trail mix).
*Concession Stand Fundraiser:
We will have a fundraiser for our Competition and Performance Companies before the Performance and at Intermission. Proceeds go towards new props and costumes!
Sales for these treats and drinks will be donation based.
We will have some Flower Bouquets and Nutcracker Ornaments available for purchase at the concession stand! Recital Flowers are $5-$10, depending on the bouquet you choose.
We will also be selling Studio Stickers at the concession stand! We will have Car Decal Stickers for $5, and smaller "Water Bottle " size Stickers for $3.
Flowers, Stickers, and Concessions are CASH ONLY (Venmo may be available as well).
*Clean Up
Please make sure that the dancers clean up after themselves, leaving the dressing rooms clean
and crumb free!
Winter Recital 2024 Information:
Please see below for additional information
Costume / Hair / Makeup Information:
Click below for the Costume/Hair/Makeup Document!
*This document will help your dancer prepare and pack for the theater!*
(Performance Company Dancers - Please note the additional PCO studio costumes are at the very end)
Winter Recital Tickets!
Recital Tickets will go on sale the week before the recital!
(Monday, December 2nd at 10:00am through Sunday, December 8th)
Tickets will be available for purchase online only, through the link above.
Tickets in ALL sections are sold as reserved seats. You will select your seats from the seating chart online, when purchasing your tickets.
*please note that a convenience fee is added by the online vender to each ticket purchase.*
Section 1:
(This section is the first 6 rows of the audience.)
Section 2:
$20 for Adults / $17 for Children (age 18 and under)
(This section is rows 7-12 of the audience.)
Section 3:
$16 for Adults / $12 for Children (age 18 and under)
(This section is the remaining rows, behind the first 2 sections.)
*Lap children who do not need their own seat are free.
There is currently not a limit on the number of tickets per family.
Audience members may purchase tickets for either/both shows... whichever is applicable to your dancer.
Seating for the Performances:
Auditorium Doors will open about 20 minutes before each show, for the audience to begin seating.
The Ticket Volunteers will be at these double doors to check your tickets.
*Please bring your printed tickets to the performance.*
(Monday, December 2nd at 10:00am through Sunday, December 8th)
Tickets will be available for purchase online only, through the link above.
Tickets in ALL sections are sold as reserved seats. You will select your seats from the seating chart online, when purchasing your tickets.
*please note that a convenience fee is added by the online vender to each ticket purchase.*
Section 1:
(This section is the first 6 rows of the audience.)
Section 2:
$20 for Adults / $17 for Children (age 18 and under)
(This section is rows 7-12 of the audience.)
Section 3:
$16 for Adults / $12 for Children (age 18 and under)
(This section is the remaining rows, behind the first 2 sections.)
*Lap children who do not need their own seat are free.
There is currently not a limit on the number of tickets per family.
Audience members may purchase tickets for either/both shows... whichever is applicable to your dancer.
Seating for the Performances:
Auditorium Doors will open about 20 minutes before each show, for the audience to begin seating.
The Ticket Volunteers will be at these double doors to check your tickets.
*Please bring your printed tickets to the performance.*