Studio Calendar
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Classes begin the week of August 5th, 2024 for the School Year - Fall Semester.
Classes resume the week of January 6th, 2025 for the School Year - Spring Semester.
Important Dates 2024-2025 Season:
Fall Semester: August 5th- December 15th 2024 *Classes begin August 5th *Competition Company Meeting: August 16th *Competition Company Auditions: August 23rd *Performance Company Fall Auditions: August 24th *Star Lighting Performance: November 23rd *Winter Recital - ALL DANCERS Costume Payments Due: October 1st Performance Weekend: December 6-8th Location: DCHS - North Building *Dates & Venue subject to change due to DCSD changes *December Tuition is pro-rated for 2 weeks (classes go through Dec 15th!) Spring Semester: January 6th - June 15th 2025 *Classes begin January 6th *Performance Company Spring Auditions: Saturday, January 25th *Spring Recital - ALL DANCERS Costume Payments Due: March 10th Recital Class Pictures: May 27th - June 2nd* *date subject to change Performance Weekend: June 6th - 8th * Location: DCHS - North Building *Dates & Venue subject to change due to DCSD changes *June tuition is pro-rated for 2 weeks (we have a week of classes following the Spring Recital, so classes go through June 15th!) *Studio Picnic: TBA Summer Break: Begins June 15th 2025 *Summer Camp (ages 3-5): June 30th - July 2nd *Summer Intensive (ages 5-18): July 7th-11th |
Studio Closure Dates 2024-2025:
*Labor Day: Friday, August 3oth - Monday, September 2nd *Fall Break: October 13th-20th *Halloween: Thursday, October 31st *Thanksgiving Break: Nov 27th - Dec 1st *Winter Break: December 16th - January 5th *Presidents' Day: February 17th *Spring Break: March 16th-23rd *Easter: April 20th *Memorial Day Weekend: May 23rd - 26th *Summer Break: Begins June 16th |